1/ In line w Raydium's move away from Serum & towards a new path w @openbookdex, new order creation on the trading page (a Serum
30 Nov 2022, 14:47
1/ In line w Raydium's move away from Serum & towards a new path w @openbookdex, new order creation on the trading page (a Serum GUI) is now disabled
Please cancel & settle existing orders
All order interactions w Serum will be fully deprecated Dec 14
What's next for @ProjectSerum
With the collapse of Alameda and FTX, the Serum program on mainnet became defunct.
As upgrade authority is held by FTX, security is in jeopardy, leading to protocols like @JupiterExchange and @RaydiumProtocol moving away from Serum.
Same news in other sources
230 Nov 2022, 15:27
1/ Raydium即将脱离Serum并且迈向@Openbookdex。
请不要在交易页面(Serum GUI)上创建新的订单。
2/ 12月14日之后,Raydium的交易页面将不再与Serum挂钩。
3/ 如果您在12月14日之后需要访问Serum,请访问下面的链接了解更多信息和资源。
4/ 为避免疑问,除了交易页面的订单簿,Raydium的所有其他功能会继续正常运行。
所有的池子、swap和挖矿都继续不受影响,所以不用担心,Raydiators 🙌。
@Raydium社区:. 1/ Raydium即将脱离Serum并且迈向@Openbookdex。. 请不要在交易页面(Serum GUI)上创建新的订单。. 并请取消和结算现有的订单. 所有与Serum的订单将于北京时间12月14日起完全废除。.
1/ Raydium即将脱离Serum并且迈向@Openbookdex。
请不要在交易页面(Serum GUI)上创建新的订单。
2/ 12月14日之后,Raydium的交易页面将不再与Serum挂钩。
3/ 如果您在12月14日之后需要访问Serum,请访问下面的链接了解更多信息和资源。
4/ 为避免疑问,除了交易页面的订单簿,Raydium的所有其他功能会继续正常运行。
所有的池子、swap和挖矿都继续不受影响,所以不用担心,Raydiators 🙌。
30 Nov 2022, 15:12
Hi everyone, in line with Raydium's move away from Serum & towards a new path with openbookdex, new order creation on the trading page (a Serum GUI) is now disabled.
Please cancel & settle existing orders
All order interactions w Serum will be fully deprecated Dec 14. Please check the tweet for more details!
Hi everyone, in line with Raydium's move away from Serum & towards a new path with openbookdex, new order creation on the tradin
Hi everyone, in line with Raydium's move away from Serum & towards a new path with openbookdex, new order creation on the trading page (a Serum GUI) is now disabled.
Please cancel & settle existing orders
All order interactions w Serum will be fully deprecated Dec 14. Please check the tweet for more details!